


To stream media I use Rygel which is compatible with UPnP/DNLA. Any user can start rygel to share content from the home directory, it will scan the folders Pictures, Videos and Music by default.

If you run rygel behind a firewall, ensure that your firewall allows connections from your clients on the listening port. By default, whenever you start rygel, the default configuration assigns a port dynamically which may change from one session to another if the /etc/rygel.conf sets port=0. Therefore, I recommend that the user starts rygel using always the same port, let’s assume for example 50000. To choose a port which is available, you can run the following command:

sudo lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN

As I use nftables firewall, I have to allow the connection to port 50000 from clients on my local network using the following nft commands:

# list the different handles in the exiting nftables
sudo nft -a list ruleset
# add the rule after the appropriate handle number, e.g. 10
sudo nft add rule inet filter input position 10 tcp dport 50000 ip saddr { } accept comment \"allow rygel UPnP/DLNA\"
# permanently save your nftables rules
sudo bash -c 'nft -s list ruleset > /etc/nftables.conf'

Finally, start rygel as follows:

rygel -g 5 -p 50000